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Epicor ECM (DocStar) Database Repair Tool Instructions


The Database Repair Tool is a powerful utility that can help resolve certain database-related issues. However, it’s important to note that running this tool requires caution and should be performed during off-peak hours, as it puts the database into single-user mode, temporarily restricting access to Epicor ECM (DocStar).

Before You Begin:

Backup Databases: Prior to running the Database Repair Tool, ensure you have taken backups of the following databases:

  • AAAA0001
  • EclipseSignalRbackplane
  • Astria Host

Additionally, remember to perform a full backup of the Application Server. This step is crucial to safeguard your data in case of any unforeseen complications during the repair process.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Log on to the server with access to the Database.
  2. Open Command Prompt as Administrator.
  3. Navigate to the Eclipse Server\bin directory by running the following command:
   CD "C:\Program Files\Astria Solutions Group\Eclipse Server\bin\"
  1. Run the Database Repair Tool with the -r option:
   Astria.DB.Installer.exe -s=(DATABASE INSTANCE NAME GOES HERE) -r

This command will drop all Primary Keys, Foreign Keys, indices, and then regenerate them.


   Astria.DB.Installer.exe -s=SqlDocStar01 -r
   Astria.DB.Installer.exe -s=SqlDocStar01\InstanceName -r

Monitor the Repair Process: The tool will run for a considerable amount of time (at least one hour). Keep an eye on the progress.

Post-Repair Testing:

  • Once the repair tool completes its operation, proceed to test the functionality in Epicor ECM (DocStar), including Search, View, and Import.
  • Additionally, test saving a custom field to ensure that the previous issue has been addressed.

Important Considerations:

  • Running this tool in a production environment should be done with caution, ideally during off-peak hours, due to the temporary disruption in access to Epicor ECM (DocStar).
  • Always ensure that backups are taken before initiating the repair process.


The Database Repair Tool can be an effective solution for certain database-related issues. By following these instructions and taking necessary precautions, you can work towards resolving issues and ensuring the smooth operation of your database.

For further assistance or advanced troubleshooting, consider consulting with a database administrator or referring to comprehensive documentation.

Note: This article provides a guide for using the Database Repair Tool. Always exercise caution when making significant changes to a database environment.

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