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Creating DNS Records for Internal Server with SSL Certificate on Windows for Epicor ECM


This guide outlines the steps to create DNS records for an internal server equipped with an SSL certificate in a Windows environment. This setup enables secure access to the server using its Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) within your internal network.


Please note that the steps provided here are tailored for Windows environments and may vary depending on the specific system or domain registrar you are using. Additionally, the process can differ if you are setting up internal access as opposed to external access through a domain registrar.

Creating DNS Records

Using Windows DNS Manager

  1. Open DNS Manager
    • Press Win + R, type dnsmgmt.msc, and press Enter.
    • Alternatively, access it through Server Manager under “Tools” > “DNS.”
  2. Navigate to the Forward Lookup Zone
    • In DNS Manager, expand your server to reveal the Forward Lookup Zones.
  3. Create a New Host (A) Record
    • Right-click on the Forward Lookup Zone where you want to create the record (e.g., your internal domain).
    • Select “New Host (A or AAAA)…”
  4. Fill in the Details
    • Name: Enter the name of the internal server (e.g., “internalserver”).
    • IP Address: Assign the internal IP address of the server.
  5. Create a New Alias (CNAME) Record (Optional)
    • If you prefer using a different name (e.g., “appserver”) to access the server, create a CNAME record.
    • Right-click on the Forward Lookup Zone and select “New Alias (CNAME).”
    • Enter the desired alias name and the FQDN of the actual server (e.g., “appserver” points to “internalserver.yourdomain.local”).
  6. Install the SSL Certificate
    • Ensure the SSL certificate is installed on the server. If not, install it using IIS Manager.
  7. Configure the Web Server
    • Open IIS Manager and locate your website.
    • In the right-hand panel, under “Actions,” select “Bindings.”
    • Add a new binding for HTTPS using the FQDN you created (e.g., “internalserver.yourdomain.local”).
    • Select the SSL certificate you installed.
  8. Verify SSL Configuration
  9. Flush DNS Cache (Optional)
    • If you experience any issues with DNS resolution, you can flush the DNS cache on client machines.
    • Open a Command Prompt with administrator privileges.
    • Type ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter.
  10. Test Access

Using a Domain Registrar (e.g., GoDaddy)

  1. Log in to Your Domain Registrar Account
    • Access your domain registrar’s website (e.g., GoDaddy) and log in to your account.
  2. Navigate to DNS Management
    • Locate your domain in the domain list and go to the DNS Management or DNS Settings section.
  3. Add a New Record
    • Look for an option to add a new record. In GoDaddy, this is typically labeled “Add” or “Add Record.”
  4. Select Record Type
    • Choose “A” (Address) for the host record. If you’re creating a subdomain, consider using a CNAME record.
  5. Fill in the Details
    • Name/Host/Alias: Enter the name of the internal server (e.g., “internalserver”).
    • Points to/Value/Destination: Provide the internal IP address of the server.
    • TTL (Time to Live): Set as per your preference.
  6. Save Changes
    • Save the changes you made to the DNS records.
  7. Install SSL Certificate and Configure Web Server
    • Follow the steps provided in the previous section to install the SSL certificate and configure the web server.

By following these steps, you’ll create DNS records for your internal server using both Windows DNS Manager and a domain registrar like GoDaddy. This ensures secure access using the FQDN within your internal network or externally through a domain registrar.

This comprehensive guide covers both methods, catering to different setups and environments. Please bear in mind that the exact steps may vary depending on your specific domain registrar.

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